Dog Agility
Dog Agility Training Classes  in the Lower Mainland! ALL LEVELS:  Introductory, Intermediate, & Puppy Dog Agility Class
Pitt Meadows Evening Group Classes:

Advanced Dog Agility Class: Sold Out - Join waitlist for future classes
Time:Wednesdays 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Dates: October 2nd,9th,16th,23rd,30th,Nov. 6th

Agility Skills / Drills Class: Sold Out
Time:Wednesdays 8:o0pm
Dates: October 2nd,9th,16th,23rd,30th,Nov. 6th

Advanced Dog Agility Class:Sold Out
Time:Thursdays 5:30pm
Dates:August 2024

Competition Dog Agility Class: Sold OutJoin waitlist for future classes
Time:Thursdays 7:45pm - 8:45pm
Dates: TBD

Pitt Meadows Weekend Group Classes:

Introductory Dog Agility Class: Space Available
Time: Sundays 11:00am - 11:55am 
Dates: Dec. 1st,8th,15th,22nd,Jan. 5th,12th

Puppy Obedience/Agility Workshop: Space Available
Time: 3:00pm - 3:55pm
Dates:  Sunday October 20th Puppy Agility/Obedience Workshop
Price: $75
This is a one time specialized puppy workshop to get your pup off on the right start.

Masters Agility Class: Sold Out Join waitlist for future classes
Time:Sundays 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Dates: Oct. 20th,27th, Nov. 3rd, Nov.10th,17th,24th
For dogs competing

Agility Foundations Level 2 Sold Out Join waitlist for future classes
(dogs who've graduated our Intro class or similar)
Time:Saturdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Price:$199 - $249
Dates: TBD

LANGLEY,BC  Evening Group Classes

NEW FOR FALL 2024 - We're now offering classes in Langley, BC

Introductory Dog Agility Class:Space Available
Time:Tuesdays  5:00pm - 5:55pm
Dates: Nov. 5th,12th,19th,26th
Location: 216 & 24th Ave in Langley,BC
Introductory Dog Agility Classes:

Our most popular agility class! Introductory Classes is the ultimate agility class! Introduce your dog to the exciting sport of Dog Agility in a fun and positive environment. All breeds welcome!

- Discover clicker and trick training (skateboard, close door, spin left & right,crawl + more )

- Improve your dog's focus, obedience and teamwork!

- Weekly assignments AND online videos where you can review training skills as if you're at class from the comfort of your home!

- Our Pitt Meadows facility is very large, open aired (with roof) and lots of room for you and your dog to spread out and play

- Certificate of completion award

*The is an agility focussed class* The main topic of this class is learning the fun sport of dog agility*


-All dogs must be atleast 5 months old
-No aggressive or reactive dogs please:

No: Leash reactivity (barking/pulling/lunging towards dogs / people)
No: Aggression towards other dogs or people
No: Consistent/excessive barking(reactive is a dog that barks / lunges
Must not excessively  bark in a group setting

Advanced Agility Classes:

This class may be suitable for dogs with strong off leash skills, good with distractions, and previous group class experience. With the main focus on sequencing obstacles, improving obstacle performance, building skills & developing confidence, drive and handling skills.  In addition, the advanced class builds on your clicker & trick training skills.


-5+ months previous agility experience
-No aggressive or reactive dogs please
-Must not constantly bark in a group setting

Dog Agility in the Vancouver  Lower Mainland Agility Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge, Coquitlam
Swift Dog Sports
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" Creating a stronger bond between you and your dog, one  obstacle at a time "
Classes fill quickly. Early registration is suggested.
Dog Agility
Our puppy demonstrating the "circus dog trick" 

Come train with us! us!

LIKE US for discounts and contests!
Pitt Meadows Dog Training Classes:

Off Harris Road (5 minutes from either Golden Ears or Pitt Bridges)
Skills & Drills Agility Class

Skills & Drills class is suitable for those who already been taking agility training for close to a year or longer. It's geared towards those who would like to eventually compete in dog agility as well as dogs currently competing. Progressing on things like send and go's, threadles, obstacle focus, serps, distance, pushback skills, tight turns. Dog's work off leash.

If you don't meet the above criteria we suggest starting with our Intro to agility, moving onto advanced, then skills and drills.


-No aggressive or reactive dogs please
-Previous dog agility experience

Competition Agility Classes:

Is your dog currently competing at dog agility shows ?

This class is suitable for dogs currently competing at dog agility shows

Questions ? Send us a message!

Puppy Obedience & Confidence Class

This puppy agility and obedience class is great for puppies with no past training history or dog's that need some more support on basic training. Handlers do not need any experience to register. It starts with the basics and gets your potential sport puppy off to the most confident (and safe) start in foundation agility training.

-Puppy Agility Foundation
-Recalls (come)
-No Jumping up
-Focus (watch me)
-Drop it
-Puppy Obstacles (tunnel, ramp, beam,)
-Body Awareness Tricks 
-Exposure to strange objects/surfaces/sounds
-Puppy Obstacles (tunnel, ramp, beam,)
-Clicker Training (positive reinforcement)
-Trick Training: Skateboard & more

-Our Pitt Meadows facility is very large (140 feet long), open aired (with roof) so lots of room for you and your dog to spread out and play


-13 weeks or older - (Is your puppy too young ?) Email us to get on waitlist for future classes)

-No aggressive or reactive dogs please:

No: Leash reactivity (barking/pulling/lunging towards dogs / people)
No: Aggression towards other dogs or people
No: Consistent/excessive barking(reactive is a dog that barks / lunges)
Must not excessively bark in group setting

Agility Foundations 2.0 & Beyond

This class is suitable for those who've taken our Introductory Dog Agility Class. We build on and increase the challenges of the previous class. Dog's gain confidence and have success working on a variety of new skills & obstacles. 

 Email us to get more information.

Online Classes

Looking for virtual options ?
Visit our online class page here:

- Learn Several agility obstacles on safe and professional made equipment


Training Issues ? You pick ANY topic!

Benefits of private lessons VS group classes:

- Hands on training customized to meet your needs
- Spend as much time as you need to answer all your questions
- Fewer distractions
- Progress at a much faster rate than group lessons
- Unlimited follow up over feedback VIA e-mail!

Visit the private lesson page(for more information)

LANGLEY,BC Evening Group Classes

NEW FOR FALL 2024 - We're now offering classes in Langley, BC in addition to our Pitt Meadows & Abbotsford locations.

Introductory Dog Agility Class: Space Available
Time: Tuesdays 5:00pm - 5:55pm
Dates: Nov. 5th,12th,19th,26th
Price: $175
Location: 216 & 24th Ave in Langley,BC​